Friday, 13 February 2015


This is the template I used for my digipak:

I decided to use one with four sections because it meant that I didn't have to have as many photos, and also because I think these styles of digipaks are more common than those with six sections. 

These are my photos. The two photos at the top aren't hugely edited because it tends to be a convention that the front and back cover are the images that need the most attention because this is what the audience sees in the shop, or online. The front and back images were the most important for me because the rose symbolizes everything that we see in the video, and the back cover is important because it has the two figures walking away, which could signify the end of something. 

From my audience research, I found that the image of the tree and the blue sky was very popular, so I wanted to include this somewhere. It links with the music video theme of nature, and it is used during one of the shots with the singer. I wanted to have an image of the singer on the inside, because when I researched digipaks, I found on Neon Trees's album "Habits" that they also did this. The same goes for Mika's album for "Life in Cartoon Motion". 

These are two different genres: Mika's is a pop album, mainly aimed for a mass audience, whereas Neon Trees is aimed for a Niche audience, like mine. 


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